Make-A-Wish® grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and heart conditions. Over the last 30 years, Make-A-Wish has granted over 2900 wishes in Ireland alone. Please see recent wishes HERE such as Luke’s wish to have the daily bugle Lego set, Nora’s Christmas wish to be the first child in the WORLD to receive her Christmas gift from Santa Claus or Rob’s wish to have a gaming PC.
“Wishes change lives. They revive a childhood that’s been disrupted by illness. Our research shows they build resilience, confidence, broaden horizons and – ultimately – bring together a family that’s been fractured by an awful diagnosis. If a wish can come true, children have told us they start to think other things are possible. Make-A-Wish needs your support so that our communities can reach all those children and young people who need it with the magic of a wish.”
It takes a community of volunteers, fundraisers, donors, and community partnerships to help these children feel like children again’ and ‘Being part of Barbersride 2023 means you are part of that community, supporting Make-A-Wish® and getting closer to granting a wish to every eligible child!
Together, we have the power to light up the darkness.